Pre-Conference Workshop 2: Citizen Science: Strategy, community, and partnerships

Pre-Conference Workshop 2: “Citizen Science: Strategy, community, and partnerships”
Organised by the Citizen Science Working Group

Location: MTA Library 2nd floor Conference Room

Presenters: Anne Kathrine Overgaard, Tiberius Ignat, Thomas Kaarsted 

Research libraries can play a key role in opening up science to society by taking up tasks in public engagement in science. At European universities, a number of centres or hubs evolving around Citizen Science have recently opened. The model seems to be based on Broad Engagement with Science (Ayris & Ignat 2020) but surprisingly few libraries seem to be taking part. Although LIBER libraries in general both see the value in Citizen Science and report they have the skills to engage (Kaarsted et al., forthcoming) the possibility exists that LIBER libraries miss out on this transformation towards Open Science. Hence, the LIBER Citizen Science Working Group is hosting a practical workshop to set directions, present existing experiences, onboard colleagues, explore techniques for community development and show how to work with external partners.

The workshop will first frames the field, lay out strategic options and dwells on concrete cases, and second discusses and lays out how to form a coalition with internal university partners as well as with societal actors.

The moderators are Chairing the LIBER Citizen Science Working Group. In this workshop, we will illustrate the interests, the thrill and the achievements working to improve the academic mission to better serve society.


1) Case Reports: Reports from CS development at LIBER libraries (Edinburgh University Library and Collections, National and University Library Zagreb, UCL London, University Bordeaux)

2) Setting the scene for developing a community of CS practice. Guidelines, and strategy (Tiberius Ignat)

3) A coalition of the willing: Roles, dialogue, and common goals with internal partners at your university (Thomas Kaarsted)

4) Bridging the gap: A library hub as facilitators between science and society (Anne Kathrine Overgaard)


In PART TWO participants are invited to join two tracks and get concrete takeaways on:

1) How to get started with a community of practice. Basic principles and first building blocks.

2) Built to last. How to form sustainable internal and external partnerships (Overgaard & Kaarsted)

53rd LIBER Annual Conference