Pre-Conference Workshop 12: “Starting-up, Developing and Expanding Research Data Management Support Services in your Library Using the LIBER/ADBU Toolkit”
Organised by the LIBER-ADBU Study
Location: CEU – Room 102
Presenter: Maurits van der Graaf
Brief description of programme:
- Presentation of the LIBER/ADBU study ‘Development stages, organisational structures and competencies for RDM support services’ and the toolkit for libraries that is based on that study.
- Usage of the toolkit by break-out groups of participants (5 to 8 participants per group; we combine groups of librarians that are in the same development stage):
- What stage is your library in? Why?
- What do you need to do to bring your library to the next stage and to the stage after that – usage of the suggestions in the toolkit for the situation of your library.
- 5 minute presentation by each group on their results followed by a general discussion.