Pre-Conference Workshop 6: “Open Licensing: How Libraries Can Provide Support for Academics”
Organised by the Open Access Working Group
Location: CEU – Room 105
Presenters: Sofie Wennström and Gabriela Fišová
The funders’ and institutions’ work on implementing policies and strategies to advance open science varies across Europe. Agreements with publishers and policies for open science often aim at full openness. It is expected that using creative commons licensing for sharing will become a common recommendation, but how can we give them sound advice on the topic?
There are different challenges to be managed, whether or not you talk about sharing articles or books or open educational resources or data. This is likely to result in more questions or concerns from researchers about choosing a license for their work. Do libraries have enough expertise about licenses to address such questions or concerns? Librarians working with support for researchers will probably need to be able to answer questions like: “But, isn’t it plagiarism for me to reuse other people’s work?” or “What if my publication will be used in a way that will adversely affect my academic integrity?” or “Should I use a non-commercial license if the research that underlies the publication is patented?”
This workshop offers an arena where LIBER participants can share experiences and discuss strategies and recommendations on open licensing and its implications. Speakers will be invited to give input and food for thought, and the workshop will include an interactive session where participants can learn more from each other.
Tentative agenda:
- 9:00 Introduction to the workshop
- 9:15 Teaching about CC-licensing at Stockholm University – Examples and Experiences, presentation by Sofie Wennström, Analyst, Stockholm University Library, Sweden
- 9:45 Open Science Teaching and Information Practices at CVTISR, presentation by Gabriela Fišová, Contact Office for Open Science, Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
- 10:10 Coffee Break
- 10:30 Breakout Session with group work – Common scenarios and resources for teaching about open licensing
- 11:30 Summary of the workshop and bring-home messages