Pre-Conference Workshop 9: A Toolkit for Knowledge Rights Advocacy

Pre-Conference Workshop 9: “A Toolkit for Knowledge Rights Advocacy”
Organised by the Knowledge Rights 21 Project

Location: MTA LibraryRoom 405

Presenters: Stephen Wyber, Giannis Tsakonas


This engaging and interactive workshop by the Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21) Project is divided into two sessions:

  1. Session 1 – Discover the KR21 tools and materials. These will be presented by some of our experts looking notably at current issues, such as eBooks and Secondary Publishing Rights. We will also share a glimpse of what you can expect in the near future from KR21, and give you the chance to exchange your thoughts with us.
  2. Session 2 – Debate the current policy landscape of around access to knowledge. We will debate the state-of-play of the various policy areas KR21 focusses on in your countries, identifying and exploring the opportunities to create improvements. Our ambition is to trigger you and get you motivated to join our growing KR21 movement advocating for progressive and positive change.

The KR21 Programme, bringing together LIBER, SPARC Europe and IFLA, aims to build a strong and sustainable basis for libraries to engage decision-makers and other stakeholders in favour of laws and policies that allow libraries to fulfil their missions today.

53rd LIBER Annual Conference