The Call for Papers for LIBER’s 2020 Annual Conference in Belgrade from 24 to 26 June, is now open.
The deadline for submitting a proposal is 13 January 2020. Guidance and conference topics are outlined in detail below.
Building Trust With Research Libraries
“In the nonstop tsunami of global information, librarians provide us with floaties and teach us to swim.” ― Linton Weeks
In times of fake news and discussions about science, findings and facts, society needs research libraries to safeguard trustworthy information. In the digital information overflow, libraries help students and researchers to find what they are looking for and to put that information in context.
From Open Science and world-wide sharing of publications and data to the long-term preservation of collections, research libraries carry important responsibilities. They must remain reliable, authoritative and adaptable in a continuously transforming society.
During these turbulent times, strong library leaders are vital to ensure that research libraries remain as frontrunners in innovation and gateways to information and knowledge.
Topics & Types of Work
- Information and Research Integrity
- Preservation of Collections
- Leadership
- Impact of Libraries
- Securing Trust in Libraries
- Open Knowledge
We Invite Submissions Of:
- Future-oriented thought pieces arising out of current research
- Research papers presenting theoretical solutions, with a clear illustration on how these solutions can be applied
- Positions and opinions on some aspect of practice
- Work-in-progress initiatives or pilot descriptions, sufficiently mature to warrant attention
- Experiences and case studies specifying requirements, challenges or opportunities
- Best practices
Session & Presentation Formats
LIBER 2020 will include several session and presentation formats. When submitting a paper, speakers can choose the right format for the content they intend to deliver.
- Papers presenting research, best practices and case-studies, which cover the methods used and open a discussion on the topic
- Lightning talks, in a format such as Pecha Kucha
- Posters for a visually-inspiring display of an initiative, its process, and results
Proposals for a Panel Session
We also invite ideas for a panel session, consisting of 3-4 brief and engaging presentations related to the theme and the topics of the conference. Please submit your proposal (abstract length max. 500 words) to The Conference Programme Committee will review all submitted ideas and select the proposal which best fits the overall conference programme.
Note: For all proposals, the Conference Programme Committee may, in some cases, accept an abstract while proposing a format different from the one chosen if it fits better within the programme. In this case, the author will be contacted.
Selection Criteria
The Conference Programme Committee will select abstracts based on the following criteria:
- Relevance to the Call for Papers
- Levels of originality and innovation
- Impact on the wider library community
How to Submit Your Abstract
To submit an abstract, please go to the LIBER 2020 submissions portal.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 13 January 2020.
Guidance and Notes on Submitting
- Accepted contributions will be limited to one paper and/or poster abstract per author. Similarly, we aim to avoid more than one paper on a single initiative/project.
- Submissions advertising commercial products and/or services will not be considered.
- All submissions will be automatically considered for the LIBER Innovation Award. Submitters of a proposal from qualifying countries may also apply for the LIBER Annual Conference Fund.
- Abstract length should be a minimum of 250 words and should not exceed 500 words (for all forms suggested above).
- Only submissions in English will be considered, in-line with the official language of the conference.
- All submitted abstracts (except for the panel proposals) will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers, on the basis of the criteria mentioned above.
- Authors are encouraged to submit their accepted papers for publication in LIBER Quarterly, a fully peer-reviewed journal. Instructions for this can be found on the journal website, as can contact details for LIBER Quarterly’s managing editor.
For tips on writing abstracts, please see this link.
Note: Presenters are responsible for their own registration, accommodation and travel costs.
Notification of Acceptance
We expect to announce the outcomes of the peer-review in early March.
This Call for Papers has been assembled by LIBER’s Conference Programme Committee.