Keynote talks, papers and posters presented at LIBER 2020: Building Trust with Research Libraries are published below.
Opening Address – Reflections on the impact of Covid-19 on Open Science
LIBER President Jeannette Frey welcomed everyone to LIBER’s 49th Annual Conference. After which LIBER’s Vice President Julien Roche presented an introduction to the programme, as well as chaired the session. This year’s opening address is a collective presentation by our three Steering Committee Chairs: Dr. Bertil F. Dorch, Dr. Birgit Schmidt and Dr. Giannis Tsakonas, who will reflect on the impact of Covid-19 on Open Science. Download the slides
Keynote Address – True Marketing Defined by Christine Koontz
Dr. Koontz is a recently retired and current adjunct faculty member at Florida State University (FSU) and San Jose State University (SJSU), USA. The Keynote Speech was chaired by Dr. Heli Kautonen, Finnish Literature Society, Finland. Download the slides.
Panel Session – From Frenemies to Trusted Partners: How transformation collaboration between libraries and publishers is essential to launch new OA business models
Answers to the remaining questions.
Panel Session – Building trust in research libraries through Citizen Science
LIBER 2020 Paper Presentations
Session #1 – Cultural Change
Session #2 – Opening Up Knowledge
Session #3 – Securing and Building Trust
Session #4 – Crowd Powered Collaborations
Session #5 – Open Access Insights
Session #6 – Libraries as Open Innovators and Leaders
Session #7 – Super-Charging Your RDM Impact
Session #8 – Data Visualisation and Metrics
Session #9 – Tools for Transparency and Open Access
Session #10 – Citizen Science Supporting Sustainable Development Goals
LIBER 2020 Workshops
Workshop #1 – SSHOC Train-the-Trainer Bootcamp for Librarians
Slides and other session materials
Workshop #2 – Transitioning Scholarly Journals to Open Access
Workshop #3 – Integrate FAIR Data science competences in higher education curricula
Workshop #4 – LIBER Linked Open Data Working Group
Workshop #5 – ‘Hot RDM topics’ from a library perspective
Workshop #6 – Libraries for Teaching and Learning
LIBER 2020 Posters
- Computing for Cultural Heritage, Nora Rose McGregor, British Library, United Kingdom
- How to teach the critical evaluation of references in higher education?, Kaisu Birita Clarot, Sari-Ursula Heinikoski, Pertti Juha Antero Martinmäki, Oulu university library, Finland
- The Open Library of Humanities, a Consortial Funding Model for Gold Open Access in the Humanities Without Publication Fees, Paula Clemente Vega, Open Library of Humanities, United Kingdom
- NewsEye: A Digital Investigator for Historical Newspapers, Elisabeth Freyre, Bibliothèque nationale de France, France
- Wikidata as an open, collaborative bibliographic database: the case of the National Library of Sweden, Alicia Fagerving, Wikimedia Sverige, Sweden
- Community funding for Open Science infrastructure: SCOSS 2 years in, Vanessa Proudman, SPARC Europe, Martin Borchert, UNSW Sydney, Giannis Tsakonas, Library & Information Center, University of Patras
- Writings on the wall: libraries supporting institutions intelligence through credible bibliometric information, Leonidas Pispiringas, Manolis Koukourakis, Giannis Tsakonas, HEAL-Link (Hellenic Academic Libraries Link), Greece
- ARGOS: a collaborative tool to plan and follow your data, Elli Papadopoulou, Athena Research Center, OpenAIRE, Georgios Kakaletris, Athena Research Center, OpenAIRE, Diamadis Tziotzios, Athena Research Center, OpenAIRE, Hanne Moa, UNINETT, Norway, EUDAT CDI, Adil Hasan, UNINETT, Norway, EUDAT CDI
- Let’s not reinvent the wheel!: using open access questionnaire for gaining future research direction, Gita Rozenberga, Aija Uzula, Library of the University of Latvia, Latvia
- Singing the donut blues – Creating a SoMe echo chamber to boost the scores on Altmetric, Bertil F. Dorch, Daniella B. Deutz, Asger V. Larsen, Evgenios Vlachos, Charlotte Wien, SDU, Denmark
- Challenges with building and procuring collections in a changing landscape, Emma Nolin, Malmö University, Sweden