Keynote talks, papers and posters presented at LIBER 2021: Libraries and Open Knowledge: from vision to implementation are published below.
LIBER 2021 Keynotes
Digital Libraries: The Next Frontier by Toma Tasovac
Moderator: Julien Roche, LIBER Vice-President, Chair of the LIBER Conference Programme Committee. Keynote Speaker: Toma Tasovac, DARIAH-EU, Director, Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
Open knowledge?… darling, we need to talk (again)! by Eva Méndez
Moderator: Agnès Ponsati Obiols, CSIC, Unit Information Resources for Research-Director Keynote Speaker: Eva Méndez, uc3m, Researcher
LIBER 2021 Panel Discussions
Why use Wikidata or not
How libraries and consortia can support the OA transitions
LIBER 2021 Workshops
Onboarding Citizen Science
Knowledge Café: the next LIBER Strategy
SSHOC’ing drama in the cloud
A shared future for open access books
Citizen Science: Defining a role for my library
FAIR data enabling through European research libraries
LIBER 2021 Sponsor Presentations
EBSCO – The Idea of Platforms
Speaker: Roman Piontek, EBSCO, Director SaaS
ExLibris – Research Professional News
OpenEdition – From vision to implementation
LIBER 2021 Paper presentations
Session #1 – Dynamic Digital Collections
Session #2: Powering Sustainable Open Publishing Platforms
Session #3: Working with Software & Data
Session #4: Open Access: a Case for Diversity and Inclusion
Session #5: How Can Open Infrastructures Support the Role of Research Libraries?
Moderator: Maaike Napolitano, KB, National library of The Netherlands Speakers: Fidan Limani, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Germany Joanna Ball, Royal Danish Library; Niels Stern, OAPEN; Silvio Peroni, University of Bologna, Italy; Emilie Blotière, CNRS (Huma-Num), France Tiziana Lombardo, Net7
Session #6: The Future is Open: Democratisation of Knowledge
Moderator: Thomas Kaarsted, University Library of Southern Denmark Speakers: Martin Munke, Saxon State and University Library Dresden, Germany Peter Kraker, Open Knowledge Maps; Beate Guba, TU Wien Bibliothek, Austria Heather Saunders, Jaime Orr, Brianne Selman, University of Winnipeg, Canada
Session #7: Hand in Hand: Supporting Strong OA Communities
Celeste Feather, Heather Rosen, LYRASIS, United States Helene Brinken, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), Germany; Andreas Kirchner, University of Konstanz, Germany Hans De Jonge, Dutch Resarch Council; Jeroen Sondervan, Bianca Kramer, Jeroen Bosman, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Session #8: Level up! Building the skills
Moderator: Cécile Swiatek, University of Paris Nanterre, France Speakers: Elisa Rodenburg, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands Anne Calvert Barnhart, University of West Georgia, United States Astrid Verheusen, LIBER; Rebecca Bryant, OCLC Irena Vipavc Brvar, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives
Session #9: Enhancing Digital Teaching & Learning: Opening Educational Resources
Moderator: Hilde van Wijngaarden, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands Speakers: Axel Klinger, Technische Informationsbibliothek; Adrian Pohl, North Rhine-Westphalian Library, Germany Harrie van der Meer, University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences; Renee de Waal, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands Gabriella Lutgens, Maastricht University, the Netherlands Gema Santos-Hermosa, University of Barcelona, Spain
Session #10: Search & Retrieval: Next Generation Information Services
Session #11: Rocky Road: Opportunities & Challenges in Open Publishing
Moderator: Jo Rademakers, University Library Leuven, Belgium Speakers: Laetitia Bracco, University of Lorraine, France Massimo Köster, KU Leuven, Belgium Nicoleta Nastase, Frédérique Belliard, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Session #12: All Together Now: Establishing Successful Collaborations
Moderator: Claudia Fabian, Bavarian State Library, Germany Speakers: Marieke van Erp, KNAW Humanities Cluster; Martijn Kleppe, Koninklijke Bibliotheek Adam Sofronijevic, University library ”Svetozar Markovic‘’, Serbia Lucy Barnes, Open Book Publishers / COPIM, United Kingdom
LIBER 2021 Posters
Helsinki University Open Access Hub Project: Results, Challenges, and Plans, Johanna Lahikainen, Marjo Kuusela
- Enriching accessibility of digital heritage collections: from searching to exploring, Mirjam Cuper, Robert Krom, Ilse Rombout, Kees Teszelszky
- Information literacy, data literacy and pedagogical skills: A grid to analyse the perception of two EPFL Library teams, Mathilde Panes, Eliane Blumer, Guilaine Baud-Vittoz
- Encouraging Collaboration between Citizens, Higher Education and Library Staff and Students through Open Knowledge and Open Innovation Activities, Evangelia Triantafyllou, Elisha Teo, Vasso Kalaitzi, Elizabeth Bethlehem, Katerina Zourou, Helene Schwalm, Karoliina Hautala, Kai Pata
- Impact of Copyright Law and Open Policies in relation to digitisation practices in the GLAM Sector, Giulia Dore, Lorenzo Beltrame, Iris Buunk
- Transformation or consolidation – Evaluating transformative agreements at Uppsala University with an eye to the future, Börje Dahrén, Louise Lindström, Erik Bergel, Karin Byström, Ninna Wiberg, Erik Åkesson Kågedal
- Open Data Possibilities, Bolette Ammitzbøll Jurik, Zahra Mousavi
- Requesting Crowd Expertise: The SSH Open Marketplace and LIBER, Stefan Buddenbohm, Laure Barbot, Edward Gray, Marieke Willems, Nicolas Larrousse, Clara Petitfils
Overleaf – Institutional Solutions for Research and Collaboration
Emerald – An Introduction to Expert Briefings
Speakers: Rachel Fitch, Emerald, Product Manager Lindsey Lambert, Emerald, Senior Product Marketing Manager