Make the Most of LIBER 2019 at Trinity College Dublin

Make the Most of LIBER 2019 at Trinity College Dublin

Are you one of the nearly 500 delegates attending LIBER 2019? Here are some tips to make your conference experience as smooth and rich as possible.

First, Logistics

Here are a few handy links to get you off to a good start.

When you arrive, you’ll need to register. Wednesday morning is always a peak time. Avoid the rush by registering on Tuesday (12:00-14:30), or by being first through the door when registration opens at 08:30 on Wednesday.

Need Wi-Fi? Delegates will receive a Wi-Fi code at the Registration Desk. For security reasons delegates must sign to receive an Individual Wi-Fi code on the first day of the conference and a sticker will be placed on the Name Badge. Wi-Fi is also available via Eduroam.

Finally, we encourage you to prepare for “playful” weather (a bit of sun, but maybe also some rain), and to help us make the conference green by bringing your own water bottle.

Presentations & Parallel Sessions

With over 50 papers and posters, it can be hard to choose which session to attend. We recommend attending at least one session outside of your main subject area. It’s a great way to gain a fresh perspective. If you really can’t choose, team up with a colleague. You can each attend separate sessions and swap insights later.

Nice to know: all parallel sessions will be audio recorded so you can listen to them later!

During Coffee & Lunch Breaks

Make the most of the wonderfully diverse LIBER community. Approach speakers during the breaks, and mingle with other delegates. We know that networking isn’t always easy, but LIBER is a friendly crowd.

Want to see who’s coming? Check the printed conference programme (there will be one in your bag) for a full list of delegates.

Join The Conversation

There are so many opportunities to share thoughts, observations and insights. Here are a few:

LIBER’s Proposal for Ensuring LIBER’s Viability & Building On Success will be presented on Wednesday at 16:15. This meeting is especially important for all LIBER Participants as the Proposal will be voted upon on Thursday, but everyone is welcome to join and learn more about how LIBER proposes to evolve in the coming years.

On Thursday at 11:15, Library Carpentry enthusiasts including Birgit Schmidt, head of our Research Data Management Working Group, David Kane of the Waterford Institute of Technology, and Juliane Schneider, a Carpentries instructor, will be meeting up in the coffee break area. Join them! If you can’t find them, come to the LIBER desk and we’ll help direct you.

Presenters may want to track down Raf Dekeyser, the managing editor of LIBER Quarterly, to learn more about publishing conference papers in LIBER’s peer reviewed, open access journal.

For social media junkies, Twitter is the place to be. Share your impressions, observations and photos with the hashtag #LIBER2019. Have a question? Tag @libereurope and @liberconference in your Tweet so that we see it.

Before You Leave, Share Your Thoughts

We can only make future conferences better if you tell us what you liked and didn’t like. Please take our post-conference survey. You can also share your questions and suggestions with a member of our Executive Board or the LIBER Office. You’ll find the LIBER desk next to the main conference registration desk.

Once You’re Home

Start planning for LIBER 2020! You’ll find us next year in Belgrade, Serbia (24-26 June).

54th LIBER Annual Conference