Sándor Soós
Sándor Soós is an internationally recognised researcher in scientometrics and science studies, and the head of Department for Science Policy and Scientometrics at the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is also a senior lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University. He earned his PhD in cognitive science in the mathematical modelling of the cognitive structure of scientific discourses. He contributed, as institutional PI or as country representative, to various national and European large-scale research projects in S&T policy, modelling and analysis, such as the Science in Society Observatory (SISOB, FP7), Evaluating the Outcomes of European SSH research, (IMPACT EV, FP7), Analysing the dynamics of information and knowledge landscapes (KNOWeSCAPE, COST Action), or New Frontiers of Peer Review (PEERE, COST Action), among others. He is the co-founder of the “Structure and taxonomy of science” international research group with ECOOM, KU Leuven, and member of the board of editors in Frontiers Research Metrics and Analytics. He owns an extensive international publication record and has a broad European network of research collaborations. He is a regular member of the Program Committee of the biannual international conference of ISSI (International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics). At the national level, his unit at HAS is responsible for “translational scientometrics” in providing, supporting and promoting expert-based research evaluation practices and evidence-based decision making in various levels of research policy. As an instance, he is the series editor of Studies in Contemporary Science of Science, a recently launched book series of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, published in Hungarian.