Winners of the LIBER 2023 Award for Library Innovation – Sponsored by OCLC

Winners of the LIBER 2023 Award for Library Innovation – Sponsored by OCLC

LIBER is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Award for Library Innovation, sponsored by OCLC. The Innovation Award recognises the three abstracts submitted to the LIBER Annual Conference which best describe innovative work within the overall theme of the event; ‘Open and Trusted: Reassessing Research Library Values’. The awardees were announced at the closing ceremony of the 52nd LIBER Annual Conference in Budapest, Hungary.

Award criteria

The criteria (in order of importance) for the Award are:

  • Level of innovation
  • Impact on the wider library community (especially the European library community)
  • Originality
  • Quality of the abstract

The three abstracts which best fulfill these criteria are selected by the Conference Programme Committee (CPC). The Award comprises the opportunity to present the winning paper at the 2023 LIBER Annual Conference in Budapest, free Conference registration, and travel expenses and accommodation. The award is funded by OCLC as part of the valued, multi-year collaboration between OCLC and LIBER.

Innovation Award Winners 2023

The Conference Programme Committee for the 52nd LIBER Annual Conference presents the 2023 Innovation Award to:

Opening up library collections for creative reuse

Authors: Martijn Kleppe, Rianne Koning, Jessica Wevers, Angelique de Meijer, Jeroen Vandommele and Ron Hol, KB National Library of The Netherlands, The Netherlands

The authors discuss how libraries can open up their collections to new, non-academic users. They present her esutls of experminets conducted at the KB Library, the Netherlands, into how users from the creative field searched and explored library collections to create new, innovative ways of accessing information.

Read the full abstract (Presentation 8.3)

Sharing Cultural Heritage Images as Data: Supporting Open Science through Interoperability

Authors: Beth Knazook and Joan Murphy, Digital Repository of Ireland, Ireland

This paper explores how cultural heritage collections could, and should, be recognised as data. The authors explore the ‘FAIRness’ of practices in the cultural heritage sector that have been used to transform materials into digital assets, and outline recommendations to support the interoperability of cultural heritage data with resources in the larger digital research ecosystem.

Read the full abstract (Presentation 8.1)

Teaching Data Stewardship: Insights from the Certificate Course “Data Steward” of the University of Vienna

Author: Tereza Kalová, Vienna University Library, Austria 

The authors explore the position of the data steward in libraries, and the growing number of specialised training courses that need to be developed for this role. The paper highlights the lessons learned from the development of the first formalised further education programme on data stewardship from the Vienna University Library, Austria.

Read the full abstract (Presentation 4.1)

Congratulations to all of this year’s Award for Library Innovation Winners!

54th LIBER Annual Conference