Panel Session I


Panel Session I 

Date: Thursday 4th July, 02:00PM – 03:00PM

Room: Amphitheatre Tassos Papadopoulos Building

Moderator: TBC

Consortia of Academic Libraries: Good Practices, Common Challenges and Opportunities for Transnational Collaboration

The objective of the proposed Panel will be to highlight common areas of Good Practices as well as Centers of Excellence within the communities of European Consortia of Academic Libraries. Furthermore, it will constitute an open forum of exchange and for exploring the formation of dynamic collaborations between different Consortia Organizations in the face of paradigm changing emerging technologies.
The Panel will bring together representatives from a number of Consortia of Academic Libraries in Europe, to present Good Practices, main challenges they face, and key plans for the future. The Panel will start with brief presentations from each Consortium and will follow with a Round Table discussion regarding shared topics of interest. Specifically, during the first part each Consortium representative will introduce the key aspects of their organization regarding membership, partnerships, sources of funding, indicative projects and services offered, as well as main challenges and future plans.
Subsequently, during the Round Table discussion the participating Consortia representatives will exchange views regarding emerging trends (e.g. AI, Open Science, IPR, ethical issues), associated challenges as well as possible new directions regarding alternative funding (e.g. EU funding, Grants) and opportunities for developing transnational collaborations between Consortia across Europe. The audience will be invited to participate and to contribute actively in the Round Table discussion.


  • Efstathios Mavrotheris, Cyprus Academic Libraries Consortium (CALC), Open University of Cyprus (OUC), Cyprus
  • André Dazy, Couperin Consortium, France
  • Lia Ollandezou, HEAL-Link Consortium, Greece
  • Ramon Ros, Consortium of Services for the Catalan Universities (CSUC), Catalonia, Spain
  • Tatjana Timotijevic, Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition (KoBSON), Serbia

53rd LIBER Annual Conference