LIBER Executive Board Meetings*
LIBER Executive Board Meetings*
LIBER Working Groups & other meetings
Leadership Programmes Working Group Meeting* - Lemesos Lecture Room
CeOS Stakeholders Consultation at the European Level (LIBER Pre-conference Event)* - Lefkosia Lecture Room
*By invitation only
Pre-conference workshops
- Workshop 1 | Developing a Strategic Response to Artificial Intelligence - Location: Tassos Papadopoulos - Room 101 (1st Floor)
- Workshop 2 | Exploring AI Hands-On: Shaping the Future of Research Library Services - Location: Tassos Papadopoulos - Room 102 (1st Floor)
- Workshop 3 | Monitoring Open Science: PathOS Open Science Indicators - Location: Tassos Papadopoulos - Room 104 (1st Floor)
- Workshop 4 | Futures Thinking for Libraries in Service of Science and Society: Lessons from Charleston Trendspotting - Location: Tassos Papadopoulos - Room 202 (2nd Floor)
- Workshop 5 | Shaping the Framework for Access to Information - Location: Andreas Themistokleous - Room Lefkosia
- Workshop 6 | LIBER Educational Resources Working Group: Enhance the Discoverability of Open Textbooks - Location: Andreas Themistokleous - Room Larnaca
- Workshop 7 | 2-to-tango? – Workshop on Libraries’ Interdependence with Technology Providers - Location: Andreas Themistokleous - Room Lemesos
- Workshop 8 | Citizen Science: Partnerships for Science and Society - Location: Tassos Papadopoulos - Room 203 (2nd Floor)
- Workshop 9 | Creating Community-Driven Pathways to Equitable Open Scholarly Publishing - Location: Andreas Themistokleous - Room Keryneia
- Workshop 10 | Evaluating and Assessing Diamond Open Access Book Initiatives: Challenges and Opportunities - Location: Andreas Themistokleous - Room Ammochostos
Coffee Break for all workshops
Pre-conference workshops continued
Newcomer Session
Opening Ceremony
Opening Keynote Speech – Constantia Constantinou

Moderator: Giannis Tsakonas, University of Patras, Greece
*See “Keynote Speakers” for detailsConference Picture
Coffee Break

Professional & Poster Exhibition
SESSION 1 - Charting the Field of Artificial Intelligence for Research Libraries I
Moderator: Birgit Schmidt, Göttingen State and University Library, Germany
Session 1 Abstracts- 1.1) AI Augmented Library – Leading Institutional Generative Artificial Intelligence Delivery - Masud Khokhar, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- 1.2) Getting Academic Library staff up-to-speed on Artificial Intelligence - Beate Granström, Chalmers University Library, Sweden and Helena Schmidt Burg, Gothenburg University Library, Sweden
- 1.3) Bridging the Semantic Gap: Innovations in AI-driven Access to Czech Digital Libraries - Filip Jebavý, Moravian Library in Brno, Czech Republic and Filip Kersch, Library of Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
SESSION 2 - Claiming Community Ownership of Scholarly Communication
Moderator: Aysa Ekanger, Library of UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
Session 2 Abstracts- 2.1) Unexpected but welcome: Leveraging repositories as Open Access platforms for scholarly books - Iva Melinščak Zlodi, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia
- 2.2) Building our Open Access Future: Empowering libraries to find solutions to sustaining community-led open infrastructures - Joanna Ball, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Denmark and Suzanne Tatham, University of Southampton Library, United Kingdom
- 2.3) SCOAP3, 10 years of Open Science global partnership, challenges and opportunities - Anne Gentil-Beccot, CERN, Switzerland
SESSION 3 - Developing Collections in Advanced Technological Environments
Moderator: Martin Moyle, University College London Library, Culture, Collections and Open Science (LCCOS), United Kingdom
Session 3 Abstracts- 3.1) Encountering digital collections: Understanding and developing innovative interactions - Andrew Corrigan, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 3.2) RKD Research, the digital hub for art historical research - Reinier van ’t Zelfde and Astrid Verheusen, RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History, The Netherlands
- 3.3) Unlocking Cultural Heritage: How the Onassis Library Embraces Technology to Connect with Society - Vasiliki Gerontopoulou and Nikos Sideris, Onassis Foundation – Onassis Library, Greece
SESSION 4 - Establishing Responsibility on Measurements, Metrics, and Rankings
Moderator: Pedro Principe, Documentation and Libraries Services of University of Minho, Portugal
Session 4 Abstracts- 4.1) Understanding and measuring the impact of Open Science on French academic libraries - Madeleine Géroudet, University of Lille - ADBU, France
- 4.2) Small streams make big rivers: monitoring Open Science locally - Laetitia Bracco, University of Lorraine, France
- 4.3) Fostering co-responsibility for open metadata quality to evaluate and monitor Open Science - Alicia Fátima Gómez, IE University, Spain and Cristina Huidiu, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Embedding Values at the Heart of LIBER's Strategy
Pre-Dinner Cocktail*
Conference Dinner*
Professional & Poster Exhibition
Standing Yoga
Research shows that yoga and meditation reduce stress, increase focus, and revitalize the senses. LIBER cordially invite you to join a Standing Yoga session by Najmeh Shaghaei.
This session offers stress reduction, team building, increased energy, mindfulness, physical well-being, inclusivity, and a memorable experience. Let’s kickstart our day with an energizing morning yoga which lead us to more productive interactions and a more positive overall experience during our conference day! *Limited spots available
Keynote Speech – Frank Scholze

Moderator: Sara Lammens, Royal Library of Belgium, Belgium
*See “Keynote Speakers” for detailsSESSION 5 - Embedding Equity and Diversity in Daily Operations
Moderator: Sylvia Koukounidou, University of Cyprus Library, Cyprus
Session 5 Abstracts- 5.1) Improving Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Postgraduate Research at the British Library and Beyond - Alice Marples, The British Library, United Kingdom
- 5.2) Practical interventions in collection acquisition, description, and presentation to foster a more inclusive library environment at VU Amsterdam - Michèle Meijer and Esther Nijland, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 5.3) Current state and next steps for strengthening and enhancing repositories in Europe - Eloy Rodrigues, OpenAIRE, Greece
SESSION 6 - Evaluating the Impact of Open Science on Research Libraries
Moderator: Cécile Swiatek Cassafieres, Library of University of Paris Nanterre, France
Session 6 Abstracts- 6.1) Digital infrastructure for a scalable exchange of sensitive and proprietary usage and impact metrics across public and private stakeholders - Ursula Rabar, OPERAS, Switzerland
- 6.2) Exposing Open Science Strategies in Western Balkan LibGuides - Emina Adilović, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 6.3) Research libraries at the forefront: empowering Open Science decision making with the OpenAIRE Graph - Giulia Malaguarnera, OpenAIRE
SESSION 7 - Innovating on the Use of Library Spaces
Moderator: Sigurd Eriksson, NTNU University Library, Norway
Session 7 Abstracts- 7.1) Exploring the Opportunity Space for a Collection Wall - Alice Bodanzky and Douglas McCarthy, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- 7.2) S(h)elf reflection: How we brought the print book back into the library space - Anouk Nuijten, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 7.3) Developing state-of-the-art 18th century and 21st century libraries at Trinity College Dublin - Helen Shenton, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
SESSION 8 - Providing Platforms of Interaction with Society
Moderator: Dominic Tate, Edinburgh University Library, United Kingdom
Session 8 Abstracts- 8.1) Connecting Cities and Universities: Libraries’ role in Citizen Science Pilots of Urban Sustainability - Sebastian Harnacker, Vienna University of Technology Library, Austria and Phoebus Panigyrakis, Library Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- 8.2) Activating collaboration between researchers and society: the VERA platform - Caroline Delmazo, OPERAS, Portugal
- 8.3) Implementing BESPOC For Citizen Science Central Services in the Baltic Region - Tiberius Ignat, SKS Knowledge Services, Germany and Liisi Lembinen, University of Tartu, Estonia
Poster Session & Coffee Break
11:25 – 12:10 Posters will be presented at the Amphitheatre of Andreas Themistocleous Building.
Moderator: Heli Kautonen, University Library of Turku, Finland.
Posters will be displayed in the courtyard of the Andreas Themistocleous Building
Posters OverviewSponsor Strategy Update - Casalini Libri
Openness and collaboration: key strategies for the future
Moderator: Dóra Gaálné Kalydy, Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HungaryPresenter: Michele Casalini, CEO, Casalini Libri
Over the last half century, perhaps more than ever, libraries have seen, and adapted to, changing times, changing trends and changing technology and faced new challenges posed by the digital transition. This strategy update discusses how Casalini Libri has also evolved – and continues to do so - in its role as bibliographic agency and specialist intermediary, alongside an international library community, providing expert collection development support in selecting and proposing quality content to libraries, as well as advocating for the needs of libraries and representing their voice with academic publishers from across Europe. As academic libraries adapt, innovate and even rebrand, using names such as Learning Centers, Learning Commons, and Information Services, to pave the way for the future in the ever-changing landscape of higher education, this update focuses on Casalini Libri’s efforts in the realisation of a new level of collaboration and exchange of expertise as the essential foundation for partnership, working together with libraries, consortia and publishers for bringing into practice innovative bibliographic management environments functional to preserve and unlock cultural heritage for the future, and to facilitate the widest possible discovery of, and access to, research content for a worldwide community.
Conference Programme Committee Meeting*
Panel Session I
Consortia of Academic Libraries: Good Practices, Common Challenges and Opportunities for Transnational Collaboration
AbstractModerator: TBC Panellists:
- Efstathios Mavrotheris, Cyprus Academic Libraries Consortium (CALC), Open University of Cyprus (OUC), Cyprus
- André Dazy, Couperin Consortium, France
- Lia Ollandezou, HEAL-Link Consortium, Greece
- Ramon Ros, Consortium of Services for the Catalan Universities (CSUC), Catalonia, Spain
- Tatjana Timotijevic, Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition (KoBSON), Serbia
Coffee Break
Panel Session II
New approaches to measuring prevalence and impact of Open Science
AbstractModerator: Masud Khokhar, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Panellists:
- Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, PLOS, United Kingdom
- Nick Sheppard, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- Laetitia Bracco, Université de Lorraine, France
- Rachel Bruce, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), United Kingdom
Meeting of Participants
Conference Reception*

*See “Social Events” for details
Professional & Poster Exhibition
LIBER Executive Board Meetings*
SESSION 9 - Charting the Field of Artificial Intelligence for Research Libraries II
Moderator: András Holl, Library and Information Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Session 9 Abstracts- 9.1) From Overwhelm to Insight: How JSTOR’s AI Tool Empowers Researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences - Beth LaPensee and Javanica Curry, ITHAKA / JSTOR, The United States of America
- 9.2) TerrA Incognita: methods of using AI tools in Croatian and Slovenian research libraries user education programs - Nikica Gardijan, University of Zadar, Croatia
- 9.3) Multilingual Capabilities of AI-Driven Research Assistants: Investigating the Precision of Retrieval of Non-English Language Searches - Reysa Alenzuela, Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
SESSION 10 - Fostering Leadership for Independence, Sustainability, and Progress
Moderator: Najmeh Shaghaei, University Library of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Session 10 Abstracts- 10.1) Transforming Te Tumu Herenga: A Library’s journey toward inclusivity, equity, and indigenous empowerment - Hester Mountifield, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- 10.2) Excellent libraries, virtuous leaders? A comparative exploration of state-of-the-art ethical excellence in research libraries - Stephen Town, University of York, United Kingdom
- 10.3) Nurturing Vision, Nurturing Future - Tereza Smilauerova, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
SESSION 11 - Managing Responsibly Research Data
Moderator: Liisi Lembinen, University of Tartu Library, Estonia
Session 11 Abstracts- 11.1) Long live the knowledge! Proper metadata and how it is created with URN and other persistent identifiers - Riitta Koikkalainen and Ulriika Vihervalli, National Library of Finland, Finland
- 11.2) From Theory to Practice: Embedding RDM Competencies into Data Management Plans - Jukka Rantasaari, University of Turku, Finland
- 11.3) Roadmap for Planning National RDM Expert Education – Finland’s Approach - Anne Sunikka, Aalto University, Finland and Manna Satama, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
SESSION 12 - Connecting with the Young Researchers
Moderator: Matthew Greenhall, Libraries, Museums and Galleries, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Session 12 Abstracts- 12.1) An Open Access Toolkit for faculties: an ongoing case study from Utrecht University Library - Chiara Livio, Utrecht University Library, The Netherlands
- 12.2) A guide for research libraries to engage youth in research - Anne Kathrine Overgaard and Thomas Kaarsted, University Library of Southern Denmark, Denmark
- 12.3) Revitalizing spaces: redefining the role of the library and librarians at the University of Debrecen - Edit Görögh, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Coffee Break
Keynote Speech – Jacob Sherson

Moderator: Anna Clements, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
*See “Keynote Speakers” for detailsLIBER Awards Session
Moderator: Giannis Tsakonas, LIBER Vice-President & CPC Chair
- Library Innovation Award - supported by “OCLC” / Christian Négrel, OCLC
- “Liverpool University Press Bursary” 2024
Sponsor Strategy Update - Clarivate
Bringing Academic AI to Life: From Theory to Library Practice
Moderator: Andreas Brandtner, Vienna University Library, AustriaPresenter: Guy Ben Porat, VP, Academic AI, Clarivate
Join us for an insightful session as we explore Clarivate’s strategy in bringing Academic AI to life. Discover how our Academic AI Platform is revolutionizing scholarly research by leveraging artificial intelligence. Learn about the innovative features of Web of Science Research Assistant (WoS-RA) and Web of Science Research Intelligence (WoS-RI) and their impact on library practices. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the evolving landscape of academic intelligence.