Thank you for attending LIBER 2021 Online!

Thank you for attending LIBER 2021 Online!

Our second online conference is officially over

And this year, the LIBER 2021 Conference was a special one indeed. That’s because the organisation celebrated the 50th LIBER Annual Conference anniversary. It also marked the first year that LIBER digitally co-hosted an online conference with the collaboration of the University of Belgrade Library. We managed to virtually recreate the experience of working with a local host while ensuring the safety and well being of all our attendees and contributors.

Over the three full conference days we packed:

All recordings of LIBER 2021 sessions have been uploaded on YouTube and you can download all slides of conference sessions from the Zenodo LIBER 2021 Community.


We’re looking forward to welcoming you in Odense, Denmark for the LIBER 2022 Conference.

54th LIBER Annual Conference