To Everyone Who Made LIBER 2020 Possible: Thank You!

To Everyone Who Made LIBER 2020 Possible: Thank You!

LIBER’s first ever virtual conference, LIBER 2020 Online, is now officially over. Thank you to everyone who made our week such a success.

The conference attracted a massive 5,544 registrations from over 1,700 people, including staff in 276 LIBER institutions. In one week, we had:

We are incredibly pleased that LIBER could bring its conference online this year, and that so many from the research library community attended. A survey will be sent to you on Monday. Please fill it out so that we can make future events even better.

If you want to watch a session recording or download slides, look on YouTube and Zenodo. Not everything is live yet but we’re working on it. We aim to have all materials available next week.

To end the conference week, we have a special message from our President, Jeannette Frey, and sketches from artist Elco van Staveren.

Sketches of LIBER 2020


54th LIBER Annual Conference