Apply for the LIBER Annual Conference Fund

Apply for the LIBER Annual Conference Fund

It’s time to announce LIBER’s Annual Conference Fund awards once again. Every year, the Fund gives out a number of bursaries, making it possible for library representatives from specific European countries to attend our annual event.  The eligible countries have been agreed upon at LIBER’s Executive Board meeting last October. Twelve awards will be handed out. […]

Now Open: LIBER’s Annual Conference Fund Awards Applications

Now Open: LIBER’s Annual Conference Fund Awards Applications

It’s time to announce LIBER’s Annual Conference Fund awards once again. Every year, the Fund gives out a number of bursaries, making it possible for library representatives from specific European countries to attend our annual event.  The eligible countries have been agreed upon at LIBER’s Executive Board meeting last October. Twelve awards will be handed out. The […]

54th LIBER Annual Conference