LIBER 2021 Online: LIBER Award for Library Innovation Winners

LIBER 2021 Online: LIBER Award for Library Innovation Winners

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s LIBER Award for Library Innovation, sponsored by OCLC.

This award is given to the three abstracts which best describe innovative work within the overall theme of the Annual Conference, based on criteria such as the level of innovation, the impact on the wider library community, originality and the quality of the abstract.

The 2021 winners are:

  • Mapping the OA Diamond landscape worldwide. Towards a more sustainable future, Vanessa Proudman, SPARC Europe.  (this paper will be presented at our Session #2: Powering Sustainable Publishing Platforms)
  • Societal impact and open research: results of a joint partner investigation, Henk van den Hoogen, University Library Maastricht, Timon Oefelein, Springer Nature. (this paper will be presented at our Session #4: Open Access: a Case for Diversity and Inclusion)
  • Recognising the value of software: how libraries can help the adoption of software citation, Neil P. Chue Hong, University of Edinburgh, Jez Cope, The British Library, Patricia Herterich, University of Edinburgh, Daniel S. Katz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Simon Worthington, TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology. (this paper will be presented at our Session #3: Working with Software & Data)

In this video, Eric van Lubeek, Managing Director OCLC EMEA, presents the award winners for 2021. For each of the winning papers, the authors will be entitled to €1,000 to support a project/activity within their library/institution.

‘’ We have seen hundreds of libraries around the world that have reinvented themselves in innovative and inspirational ways in order to be able to continue serving their communities. Some of these changes will impact libraries going forward and we are continuously reflecting on a long-term vision for libraries as a result of these changing practices and environments.

LIBER has continued to innovate in serving as a vibrant hub for research libraries from all over Europe, allowing them to continue to get together and exchange best practices and ideas, an initiative that OCLC will always support. Congratulations to LIBER for their 50th Anniversary, and to the winners of the OCLC-LIBER Innovation Awards for 2021.’’

Eric van Lubeek, Managing Director OCLC EMEA


53rd LIBER Annual Conference